
New Ted Leo Album

Created by Ted Leo

This is the survey with add-on options for the new Ted leo album financed via Kickstarter.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 5 years ago – Wed, May 22, 2019 at 12:38:39 AM

Hello! This is just a note to explain that I’m finding that my assembly line of one is running more efficiently if I go item by item, as opposed to person by person (for example, all of the random 7”s from the add-ons at once, as pictured), so over the next few weeks, as I attempt to wrap this up, if you receive one thing from me but still haven’t gotten another that you’re owed, you’ll get it in a separate package. As always, thank you for your patience. Almost there!

over 5 years ago – Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:00:03 AM

Hey everyone. I don't have the ultimate news that you may want to hear, but I can tell you that this might actually wind up being the last "update," as I finally have the boxes for the 7" sets, and can finally get a shipping plan together for all the outstanding items. There are still some people I haven't gotten songs to, but I'm working on that, and if you haven't gotten yours and haven't written me with something personal, I'm going to pretend I know you better than I do, and maybe surprise both of us. Meal people - my plan was always to book a tour around these meetings, and that's on the horizon. My own booking agent is on my case about it at this point, so it's not something that I'm trying to put off - I'm trying to make it happen. Before this truly becomes my own personal Fyre Festival, I must just come out and tell you, at this point, that some of this delay is obviously down to the fact that, yes, I over-promised, over-committed, and rolled the dice on some things panning out financially better than they did; and some is down to trying to remain a working musician touring on the record that you helped me make while trying to stay on top of all of this, and the ins and outs of manufacturing some custom items that just took a really long time to get made correctly. I can't break that down into exact percentages, but I'll claim the lion's share. I have some shows and other stuff coming in February, and I would just beg your indulgence in offering me patience to get through this last round of travel, as what I bring home will help me finish the Kickstarter, and my time beyond February is blocked out and dedicated to doing exactly that. I have to do some promo for these shows coming up and a podcast that has arisen out of some recorded conversations Aimee Mann and I have had with other people we've run into while touring off and on over the last couple of years, and Maximum Fun has decided to take and do something with; so you'll see some of that on social media this week. Don't know what the future holds beyond that, but I hope this hasn't left everyone feeling too bruised, and I hope to still see some of your faces somewhere, as we trod on through the new year. xo - T PS, I had a video from the warehouse in Queens where I picked up the last palate of stuff, that it seems I can’t upload from my phone. I’ll figure that out, too! It’s not that exciting!

Update 10/8
over 5 years ago – Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 02:42:44 AM

Writing from backstage in Denver. I have received your (sometimes angry) emails and messages, and the occasional text from some who know me better, asking for an update. Unfortunately I don’t have much to add to the last one yet. I CAN tell you that I’m supposed to have a 7” box update from the manufacturer this week, I’ve slowly been getting the songs to people, and am trying to plan a route for the meals that will enable me to play some shows on the way as well. This has obviously not been the most ideal situation for any of us, and though I still carry the buoyancy of the first phase of it with me, I obviously bit off more than I could chew on the timeline I projected, and it’s obviously something I probably won’t do again. As I have to keep working, I’ll be on the road all October. However, I have nothing else on deck in November, and next to nothing in December. If I don’t have the 7” boxes by the time I get back from this tour, I’ll abandon my bulk shipping plan and start sending out things individually. Thank you for your continued patience.

almost 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 01:23:49 AM

Ok, folks. Thank you for your patience. I know a lot of you have felt slighted by my lack of updates for a while, and I apologize. Things have not been easy, and I withdrew, from communication - I'll probably talk more about that at some other point, but for now, I just want to get this info to you. Among other things, including some surprise financial difficulty, the manufacturing of some product has just simply not been completed yet, and as I learned from the sticker shock on my first round of shipments, I need to do the shipping in bulk, so I need it all in place before I can send it out. 

The good news is, the 7”s just arrived: 

The enamel pins are here: 

The totes are here: 

I have to be on the road for a couple of weeks now, but when I get back, the 7” BOXES should also be done, and then I can get this all going out the door. 

You’ll notice I don’t have any merch for sale on this tour, and that’s because what I have is dedicated to the signed records and T-shirts that will also go out with this batch. 

Some songs have been sent! Others are still being written. 

 I’m trying to book a solo tour to coincide with the meals, and I’ll get to you all with possible dates ASAP. 

Hope to see some of you at some of these Hearts of Oak shows. 


over 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 07:37:31 PM

I'm not Amazon over here, folks - the extra stuff is coming.  As I said in the last update, not all of it was even done being manufactured as recently, and this is why I pushed the digital to everyone early and monitored that situation for days to make sure everyone's codes worked - I wanted you to have the music that you helped make. Did you order the 7"s? You're getting them in a custom fitted box, and I just literally don't have them yet.  The 7"s themselves are done, and they look amazing, and I hope you'll be psyched when you get them. With the other stuff, it's coming.  The priority was to get the ALBUM out, which I did on a pretty advanced schedule. If this were a normal record label, it'd probably just be heading to manufacturing now. If you've gotten nothing, it could be because you ordered a signed bundle.  I didn't have the t-shirts done for that before I went on tour. I'm almost done with tour, and you will get them soon.  The postcards were damaged in shipping from me to the shipping company.  So I had them printed, signed thousands of them, and now have to have them re-printed and sign thousands of them again.  You'll get them.  Demo tapes also have to be made - hand made - it takes time, but I'm doing it - it's FUN, but it's time consuming.  Personal songs? You people have been the best, and I'm going to try to get some of them to you THIS WEEK.  If you're coming to any of the remaining shows, and you want your t-shirt ahead of time, just ask - I'll give it to you.  I appreciate the patience, and I'm sorry if I set expectations too high, but it's all coming - just bear with me.  Please remember that I've also been on tour, which I also thought was more of a priority.  It'll all get done.

There've definitely been certain anomalies - a damaged record here, some other problem there - I'm aware of it, and will address.

