
New Ted Leo Album

Created by Ted Leo

This is the survey with add-on options for the new Ted leo album financed via Kickstarter.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 7 years ago – Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 09:20:19 PM


In the surveys, it wasn't live like it should've been when they went out this morning (my fault), so I hastily thre it up there again, and did a quick calculation that the difference between the LP level and the tape level placed the tape's value at $50, which is what i set it at.  I've since been reminded that, of course, people pledged up to it from a bunch of different levels. So here's what I'm going to do - please read carefully:

1. I'm setting the Mixtape of demos to $0, because most of you have already paid for it.

2. The extra money that you paid for it should be reflected as a credit in your Backerkit account, so just put that toward the tape or in the tip jar.

3. If you're someone who did not previously pledge up to the Mixtape of Demos level, you can still get it, but I'd ask that you do what everyone else did and round up from your pledge level to the $75 Mixtape of Demos level.  If you're rounding DOWN, you know... I'm hand dubbing over a hundred of these things and they'll never exist again, so please take that into account when choosing how much to throw at them.  Doesn't have to be $50, but... maybe $20?

This is my first time using all this technology and trying to square all these circles, and it's been a hell of a long day, so just bear with me as we get over these few bumps.  I think it's mostly gone pretty well, actually, and I hope you feel ok about it.


I received a few questions about sizing charts, so I got with A to Z, the people who are helping me get all this manufactured, and they sent me this, which I hope helps you make your decision.  We were thinking about using Anvil shirts, and according to their sizing charts, I *think* they will run thusly...

Men's chest measurements:

S 36", M 40", L 44", XL 48", XXL 52"

Women's chest measurements:

S 30", M 33", L36", XL 39", XXL 42"

Now, I haven't made these yet, because I need some numbers on how many to make. So if you don't see anything here that is going to fit you, let me know!  Because I'll see what they offer in terms of going up or down on either end.


Also, Backerkit's customer service is great, and they email me for a discussion about every query that gets sent, which is good because, as we've seen with the demo tape thing, my first solution isn't always the best in these situations.  They negotiate these waters daily, and often it's better if they're involved because they can advise ME on some options for handling a problem of answering a question.


almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 11:00:58 PM

Now that my neighborhood has apparently finally acquiesced to the Aimee Mann lyric about it all being a waste of gun powder and sky, and I can thus stop pretending that I needed to take care of my cat through these past few hours (because she's an insanely tough cookie who only cares about staking out the bottom of the oven zone for potential mice all of a sudden, much to my early morning chagrin when I find she's not splorp-sprawled across my legs), I have sent out the surveys.

Initial reports from the smoke test seem to indicate that it's intuitive and working well, but obviously, if it's not let me know.  Use the Backerkit process first, but I'm also here for issues that seem unresolvable by their normal mediation process. 

The buried lede is that we are doing this - you ALL and me - this record is happening. It's been a while in the making, but in retrospect, I can see the arc. I can see how it's led to this place; and I'm humbled, and I'm also *proud*.  I feel that what we've done with this Kickstarter is (a little) bigger than just making a record.  I feel like it's a real statement about the importance of art in our lives right now.  I do what I do because I have a compulsion/vocation to do it, but at the very core of it all is also a sincere hope that you get something out of it, too.  You know - I could strum my guitar in my room until I waste away, but bringing it out to you, and singing to you, and talking to you... it's where the true joy comes in.

SO, Right now, I'll say no more but "Thank you," and as the final artwork comes into place and as anything else that requires an update happens, I'll alert via Kickstarter, but I'll gradually migrate content over to my SOON TO BE UPDATED (fingers crossed by Thursday) website, and we'll keep going.

Fare forward, travellers! Not escaping from the past Into indifferent lives, or into any future; You are not the same people who left that station Or who will arrive at any terminus, While the narrowing rails slide together behind you; And on the deck of the drumming liner Watching the furrow that widens behind you, You shall not think 'the past is finished' Or 'the future is before us'. At nightfall, in the rigging and the aerial, Is a voice descanting (though not to the ear, The murmuring shell of time, and not in any language)

Fare forward, you who think that you are voyaging; You are not those who saw the harbour Receding, or those who will disembark. Here between the hither and the farther shore While time is withdrawn, consider the future And the past with an equal mind. At the moment which is not of action or inaction You can receive this: "on whatever sphere of being The mind of man may be intent At the time of death" - that is the one action (And the time of death is every moment) Which will fructify in the lives of others: And do not think of the fruit of action. Fare Forward.

O voyagers, O seamen, You who came to port, and you whose bodies Will suffer the trial and judgement of the sea, Or whatever event, this is your real destination." So Krishna, as when he admonished Arjuna On the field of battle. Not fare well, But fare forward, voyagers.

-TS Eliot, "The Dry Salvages"

Fare forward, voyagers.

Fare forward, friends.

xo - TL

almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 09:56:59 PM

Folks, this is just to inform you that I'm sending out a "smoke test" survey to check for errors and discrepancies before the full blast goes out.  So approximately 5% of you are going to get yours today (which is obviously the best kind of timing since approximately 95% of you are definitely not going to be in front of a computer screen today), and if all goes well, the rest will go out in 24-36 hours.


almost 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 11:15:17 PM

Ok, everyone, thank you for your patience.  It's happening, now, and I hope you'll feel it paid off.  Art is almost done, the records themselves are AT THE PLANT BEING PRESSED, I've got BOXES of tote bags and enamel pins, etc., AND I just submitted the survey for final approval.


-The surveys are coming via Backerkit.  This is useful because a few of you have written to tell me your address has changed, and there was the whole thing early on about the work-around i was trying to do to allow you to combine or adjust pledges, etc.

-Backerkit has all your pledge info from Kickstarter, but when you go through the survey, as you'll see, you'll be able to make any adjustments you want to make - you will be able to update any personal or shipping information there.

-Backerkit ALSO has an "Add-ons" option.  This should work out for the people who wanted the demo tape or whatever and ADDED money to their pledge during the original Kickstarter campaign. IF YOU ADDED MONEY TO YOUR PLEDGE, that will show up as a CREDIT in Backerkit, and you will be able to ADD the extra item you already pledged for at this time.  So, just to clarify, your money will show as a credit, and YOU will choose to add the item you pledged extra for.  Backerkit will bundle it with your original order.  If it's not working out for you, you'll also be able to contact me there or here to discuss other options.

-The "Add-ons" section actually ALSO has a bunch of junk that I had lying around that you, the Kickstarter people who helped me fund this album can have first dibs on - not to fleece you further, but just to offer it to you first.  There are a bunch of split 7"s with various people, all of the Lookout! Records era CDs, etc.  If you choose to grab any of this stuff, it will also be bundled with your original order, or just shipped out by myself if the quantities are small enough.

-RE SHIPPING: So, as you may recall, you who are receiving physical objects were charged a small shipping fee added onto your original pledge.  Well, I did the exact thing that everybody warned me not to do and GROSSLY underestimated shipping charges.  It's my fault, so I'm not going to be levying any MORE shipping charges on you, but I'm just going to mention, once, that in the "Add-ons" section, there's a "Tip Jar," and if you're feeling magnanimous and would *like* to help me with extra shipping costs, you can toss a few coins in there.  Zero pressure.

And I think that's it!  It looks like the official album and initial touring announcement is going to happen on July 6th, and I'm pretty sure Stereogum is running what may be a slightly embarrassing long-piece on myself and the record.  I'm hoping to have the surveys to you before then, but it'll be next week, regardless.  Incidentally, I have no idea what the Stereogum piece will look or read like, but I say it may be embarrassing because, based on the lengthy interviews I did with the really great and kind writer, Michael Tedder, it might get somewhat intimate, go to some dark places, you might find out more about me than you really want to... That's cool! You don't HAVE to read it, I'm just letting you know it's coming down the pike.  As I said to Michael in an email just this morning, I've lived more life in the seven years since my last album came out then I think I did in the previous twenty.  I think this album that you have helped me create reflects the depth and breadth of that time; and I'm very happy to be finally bringing it out to you.


PRE-pre-Survey Update
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 01, 2017 at 12:33:20 AM

Folks - just a quick check in to let you know (as I've gotten a flurry of inquiries recently), that it's all still happening, and the surveys are going out soon, I promise.  I've been pretty swamped with all of the other stuff that goes into making the record and the premiums available, so while the SURVEYS have been delayed, the actual stuff you pledged for is going to get to you right on time!  I'm not saying I'm not behind on them - I am.  I wanted to have them out to you by now, but I figured it'd be more important to get the actual album in production on the proper timeline, since the surveys are ultimately just to establish the final count on who gets what and where it's all going; and as I've mentioned, when they DO go out, you're going to be able to do some a la carte pledging for extras, if you choose.  I'll do one more update with detailed explanations before they officially go out, but I just wanted to assure you that you haven't missed them, and I haven't forgotten.

A few specific progress updates you might be interested in, though: 

1. While I still have to connect with a lot of the dinner people, the private shows are under way!  I had a truly lovely time with some fine people in Boston this past Sunday, and the rest of them are on the calendar or being planned.

2. I have an album title and the artwork is in process.  It's a gatefold double LP, 14 songs, it's called "The Hanged Man," after the Tarot card, and I'm truly honored to have graphic novelist Emil Ferris illustrating it!

3. I've had the pleasure of working with Dave Cooley at Elysian mastering in LA on the massive project of mastering the LP, the 7" B-sides, instrumental versions of everything, etc.  He did an amazing job, and lacquers went out to the pressing plant YESTERDAY (Tuesday), which puts us on pretty solid footing for a late August or early September delivery!

More soon...
