
New Ted Leo Album

Created by Ted Leo

This is the survey with add-on options for the new Ted leo album financed via Kickstarter.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 10:08:10 PM

Hey all - sorry for the delay - I hope it PLEASES you to know two things:

1. The last two weeks have been weirdly full of inspiration and I've completed a few completely new songs that are now in the running for this record, AND I've almost wrapped mixing all the rest.

2. The reason you haven't gotten your surveys yet is that I'm not sending the usual Kickstarter ones - I'm sending them from Backerkit, and as part of the process, you'll be able to add certain things to your order SHOULD YOU CHOOSE.  So, for example, let's say you didn't pledge at one of the bundle levels, but you decide you'd like to have one of the tote bags - you'll be able to add it via Backerkit.  I'm also teaming with my friend Max Temkin's company, Black Box, for shipping, and I've been waiting to get some of the order specs in place so I can provide proper pricing on items and shipping when you get to that point in the survey.  

I'm still going through messages and responding directly to people who had questions or wanted to change their pledge level - it's all going to happen, and I thank you for your patience.

Last bits of recording happening over the course of this week, mastering at the end of the month, and then we're in production and I'll be able to give you and exact schedule for release and fulfillment.  It is all very exciting!

UM, THIS ALBUM IS GETTING MADE! (and also some important logistics updates on the rewards tiers - it's all good news, I promise)
about 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 12:45:45 AM

Well, we did it. WE did it!  But "WE" includes "me," and it wouldn't be "me" if I didn't do something to needlessly complicate the proceedings, and, as it turns out, I jumped the gun on the demo cassette thing by ONE DAY, because the day after I posted the update about how to do it as an add-on, I spoke to a fellow named Max at a company called Backerkit. They'd already been recommended to me by other people I trust, who've run Kickstarters that were successfully fulfilled with Backerkit's help; and after talking to Max, I'm convinced they're the way to go for me (and us), as well. They're fans, first and foremost, and I know they really just want make sure this all goes off without a hitch, and here's how it's going to happen: 

- IF YOU WANT THE DEMO CASSETTE, IF YOU WANT TO ADJUST YOUR PLEDGE UP OR DOWN, IF YOU'VE ALREADY GIVEN EXTRA OR ASKED ME HOW MUCH EXTRA TO GIVE, you don't have to worry about any of it right now. It will all be noted and compiled by people who actually do this part of the process for a living (and who created their company precisely to help people like me). 

- THEY will send out the backer surveys during which you will finalize your order, shipping address, etc.; and AT THAT POINT, you will be offered the option of adjusting your pledge or reward level as you see fit, and THEY will handle the actual adjusting. Anything you've already pledged will be counted toward your final amount, or refunded if it was too much; and anything you might still want to add can be done at THAT time. I wish I'd've known about them a little earlier, but I hope you will trust me that this will end well for everyone. No one's going to be shut out of ANYTHING, thanks to their system, and EVERYONE will have the ability to make sure they're getting exactly what they want for their pledges. Though I still haven't responded to all of you personally in the Kickstarter Messages, yet, I HAVE made note of all the changes that people have requested, including those that have not yet made a pledge adjustment because they were waiting for me to tell them how much to add or subtract - I'm going to get through the inbox and respond to you all, but I'm going to be connecting with you through Backerkit in the next couple of weeks to do the actual nuts and bolts of it. 

Am I paying them to do this? Yes I am! You should know they're giving me an EXTREMELY reasonable rate, and that the reason I AM paying them to do this, is because I know that they will help me do this right, and nothing will fall through the cracks; and the reason I CAN pay them to do this, is because YOU pledged your money to this body of work. I can use some of it to make sure we do the back-end part of it justice. 

And that is all, my friends! What can I say? I'm ebullient. I'm energized. I'm working; and I'm working with joy. I think I wrote one of the best songs I've ever written, just this past week. It would not have happened if you hadn't given me this buoyancy. It is noticed; it is noted; it will not be forgotten. I am very excited to get this record out to you NOW, and keep on pushing. Stay strong. I'll be in touch. -TL

Now here's a Traffic cover because it was fun to do.


about 7 years ago – Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 03:35:22 PM


So, I'm going to offer more demo cassettes as an add-on for other pledge levels, but not as a completely reopened tier. If you want to add the Mixtape of Demos from the now closed tier, some minor math will be involved, and here's how it will work:

1. IF YOU HAVE PLEDGED BELOW THE $75 of the Demo Mixtape tier, simply increase your pledge by the difference (since the demo tier also includes LP or CD) via the method covered in the "Can I adjust my pledge?" FAQ and send me a message via the Kickstarter messaging thing to let me know you want the cassette, too.  I will then include this in the package eventually sent to you.

2. IF YOU HAVE PLEDGED AT OR ABOVE THE $75 of the Demo Mixtape tier, MESSAGE ME FIRST, so I can tell you directly how much to add to your pledge, and then you'll go through the process described above.

Does that make sense? Hit me with any questions.


Now, there's ONE WEEK LEFT of this campaign, and 2,889 backers as of the moment I'm writing this.  I'd love to make sure that as many people who want in on receiving the album and/or any of the rewards in this way get in on it before the campaign closes (partially because I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen AFTER the campaign yet), so I'm going to impose one more time on your generosity and ask that if you have any friends, or know anyone who might be interested, please tell them!  I think that, for a modest stretch goal, if we can get to 3500 backers, I'll make a classic TL/Rx pin design in enamel and send that to EVERYONE along with their other rewards (even if you've only asked for the digital download).  If we can get to 5000, I'll do some kind of covers EP (5 songs?), maybe bundled with a dub version of one of the songs from the album itself (which will be awesome and weird because most of you will presumably not have heard the NORMAL version of it yet), and make that available digitally before the record is even pressed.


I'm going to schedule another live stream next week before this ends to answer more questions in person and play a few more songs; and this time I'll try to make it in the evening, so you can join in after work/school/whatever.

Writing and recording what I think is the final song-piece to this song-puzzle this weekend, and will hopefully be able to turn it all over for mastering very sooooooon...


about 7 years ago – Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 11:12:28 PM

And I've lost my voice and am fighting off a sinus infection!  But that doesn't mean I'm not ready to jump back into the thick of it with you.  Thank you for all of your messages and questions over the last couple of weeks.  If I haven't answered you yet, I'll be getting to it over the next few days.  We're nearing the final week, and I think I'm going to be adding a couple of things to the reward tiers tonight and/or tomorrow (Wed.), so keep your eyes peeled for that.

There's a lot I'd like to say about the JoCo Cruise that I was just on.  It was moving, engaging, fun, challenging, energizing, and exhausting, as always.  I'd encourage you all to come next year, but we'd find ourselves in a "we're gonna need a bigger boat" situation very quickly, so... maybe just SOME of you.  I'll say more later, probably not here on Kickstarter.

As always, I thank you for your support.  Here is a picture of the Pacific Ocean and Baja Sud, Mexico.


about 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 09:21:15 AM

I am having all of them (the feels - only having one live stream).  I've started taking advantage of the FAQ section to answer questions and offer more clarity, rather than have them get lost in the florid text I can't stop myself from surrounding them with in the updates. I'm sorry - this is very exciting, and i get florid!

Anyway - really - you most excellent and insane people have done and are continuing to do me a great solid, and by getting this thing fulfilled so quickly, it really leaves only creative work ahead of us.  It's actually kicked off new writing energy in me, and I've added two new songs to the pool I'm drawing from JUST in this last week.

ONE ORDER OF BUSINESS AND LOGISTICS TO DISCUSS is that I'm going to be traveling from March 1 through March 12, inclusive.  I'm happy to be doing the Jonathan Coulton cruise this year again, and maybe I'll see some of you on it?  If so, message me and lets plan a meet-up!

ON THURSDAY, though, I'll be in Los Angeles, rehearsing with Aimee Mann for some of our work on the cruise, and I'm going to try the Kickstarter Live option at noon PST/three EST.  I *think* you'll get an email about this?  If not, just come to the page, and it'll be there.  I have no agenda, but I'ill have about 30 minutes and a guitar, so bring questions and requests, manifestos, critiques, ideas, etc.  The web will be terrible on this cruise, but I'll try to check back in, and send you some updates from it.

Finally, I'd mentioned that I wanted to discuss what ongoing funding would be used for, and I decided to just put that in an FAQ, too, so it's pinned there.  I'll also update that as I get more specific numbers and whatnot.



Here is a band practice demo of Walking to Do from '04, right before we went into the studio to record Shake the Sheets.  You will notice obviously overdubbed harmonies over the end bit!